You give a habit some time, and it becomes OCD.
You give civilization a few centuries, and it defiles.
You give freedom to people, and over time, fanatics emerge.
You give clients some weeks to ponder, and they start disliking what they had approved earlier.
You give love some years, and you take it for granted.
You give life a few decades, and it betrays you.
I wanted to be a painter, a cricketer, a scientist, and a rockstar at different stages of my life. Today, I'm in advertising, and there's nowhere else I'd rather be. And throughout life's course, at any given point, I was always at a place I hadn't ever imagined I would be at, five years before that point.
Makes you wonder. Isn't 'long-term' overrated?
You give civilization a few centuries, and it defiles.
You give freedom to people, and over time, fanatics emerge.
You give clients some weeks to ponder, and they start disliking what they had approved earlier.
You give love some years, and you take it for granted.
You give life a few decades, and it betrays you.
I wanted to be a painter, a cricketer, a scientist, and a rockstar at different stages of my life. Today, I'm in advertising, and there's nowhere else I'd rather be. And throughout life's course, at any given point, I was always at a place I hadn't ever imagined I would be at, five years before that point.
Makes you wonder. Isn't 'long-term' overrated?
so true. so true. that's why i have a dog. the only thing that doesn't change is how i'm greeted every evening. : ) thanks for dropping by. i
@agent. like many others, i got to your blog through good ol' SwB.
Its all about destiny.
Destiny grants us something beyond our wishes.
the only reaction by the end of the first part was, 'why did it end?' perhaps you should add to it...
@Gayatri. Perhaps fellow copywriters should contribute...
bingo - my life policy is that - no such thing as long-term. when asked in a questionnaire, "where do you see yourself in 5 years?", i remember answering "Ask me then." needless to say, i was not called for further interviews ;-)
Aah, nice thought. :) Thanks for dropping by my blog! A few of my upcoming posts are going to be on growing up, btw. :) And I see how my graph somewhat says what you mean here!
Also, I am curious what "slash\\" is :D
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